Friday, May 25, 2007

The Democrats Are Cowards

I can't believe it.

The Democrats gave "W" the money to continue this dispicable war. (All war is dispicable!!)

Listen to Keith Olbermann on this and--well, enjoy??

Kate Loving Shenk


Tak Kak said...

What can we expect? These are the same cowards who voted 100% -- yes, 100% -- for the heinous Defense Authorization Act Of 2006.

This is the Act which, in essence, appoints Bush Der Führer and imposes martial law on the country in the event 'something bad' happens -- with the definition of 'bad' being decided by ... Bush.

James Bovard -- writing in The American Conservative (how's that for irony?) -- lays out the potential horror that is the Defense Authorization Act.

Who voted FOR this shredding of The Constitution?

Biden = Yes
Clinton = Yes
Obama = Yes

The Bill passed with a 96-0 vote.

'Cowards' seems too mild an epithet for these people.

Tak Kak said...

PS - As usual, Olbermann is spot on, eh?