Your Daily Prayer For Healing-12/31/2010-Your Prayer For Today

Your Daily Prayer For Healing-12/31/2010-Your Prayer For Today
Dear God/ess, Another documentary film we watched over these last few days, is "Fierce Grace," about Ram Dass' life. I was especially taken with the concept of what Ram Dass calls, "Being Stroked."
Ram Dass had a stroke in 1997, and nearly died. He believes he was spared because he still has work to do. He says he has much more to teach the Babyboomers about aging without fear. As he lay on the floor immediately after the stroke, he stared at the water pipes without any thought whatsoever about the Divine, God/ess or Higher Power. This was another sign to the great spiritual teacher that more work needed to be done on himself.
Especially as we embark on the year 2011, we may as well accept that unknowns will present themselves to all of us. These events need not be viewed as "Good" or "Bad." They simply are "What Is." Certainly outside events will spell success or failure on many fronts. Certainly it is much better to view everything that happens to us as learning opportunities.
Let us first of all remember to take what is happening "out there" as a further signature to focus more intently on what is happening "in here," that is, in the inner sanctuary of our mind(s).
Let us always remember that none of us is ever alone, in this year, and all the years to come.
Om Peace Amen
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