Saturday, August 04, 2007

Mitt Romney Explains His Health Care Plan

Mitt Romney's health care plan utilizes insurance
companies to distribute health care to the citizen's
of Massachusetts.

Yet, Romney must be commended for even having a plan,
plus he is a Republican with a plan!! That is indeed, a
refreshing and hopeful sign.

Here is Mitt Romney defending his health care plan
to a waitress on the campaign trail.

The internent allows us to witness these intimate
exchanges. Since the news only shows these exchanges in
sound bites, and the blogs show them in their
entirety, we undoubtedly will have an exciting
election season, thanks to the political blogs.


Kate Loving Shenk
Nursing Career Transformation


Tak Kak said...

It's my understanding that Romney's plan in Massachusetts has been a disaster.

Jerry has more facts and figures at his fingertips than I.

Romney's plan is NOT a first step toward single-payer; it's a suck-up to the insurance companies.

kate loving shenk said...


but he is a republican with a plan.

that is a good thing.